PAL stands for 'Palmtop Application Library'. It provides you with a set of C functions that will give your programs the look & feel of the built-in applications of the HP100/200LX. PAL was originally suggested as a common development effort by CompuServe's HPHAND sysop Mark Scardina, and the project is being coordinated by the team leader, Gilles Kohl. Updates and 'sneak previews' will be made available via his homepage.
You can also send him e-mail here
Contributors communicate via email and messages on section 15 (Palmtop Programmers) of the HPHAND forum.
PAL is copyrighted freeware, and may be used to develop public domain, shareware, or commercial applications - no royalties or obligations beyond giving credit to the PAL group.
PAL comes complete with all the sources and many useful utilities. All you need is a good ANSI C compiler to get you started. You can use PAL on both the desktop (targeting the palmtop) and the palmtop itself. It also comes with complete documentation and several examples.
Click here to jump to the PAL quickreference.
At this moment, the following compilers are supported:
Borland Turbo C, Borland C++ Microsoft MSC Microsoft QuickC. MIX PowerC. Symantec C++ LCI C
The creation of the library and any application written with PAL is made very easy by the included PalMake (PM) utility. You only need to specify which compiler you are using in the PM configuration file, run PM and the complete PAL library or application will be created for you.
The \UTIL subdirectory has a set of utilities that simplify development. You will find the PalMake utility, The PAL dialog Editor, the PAL font editor, an HTML viewer, some conversion utilities, and the CGAGRAPH (TSR) that enables you to run any PAL written application on your desktop for debugging.
PAL comes loaded with the source code of each and every function the subdirectories under \SRC have them all. The functions are splitted in several groups, each group having its own directory. When the library files are created, the object (.OBJ) files will also be stored in these directories. The PM utility has the option to remove the object files from every directory once the library files have been created.
There are 16 function groups in the \SRC directory, each group having a set of functions. There are functions for displaying windows, menus and dialog (or data-entry) screens. There are also other functions that are hardware related, such as volume, serial port control and power management. Functions for clipboard services and multi-font support are also included.
Click here to jump to the PAL quickreference.
Each function group (aka directory) has a .DOC file with the descriptions of all the functions in a standardized format. These descriptions can be read with any text editor, but PAL also includes utilities to create Norton Guide and even HTML (the popular World Wide Web format) versions of the documentation, for easy and fast reference.
Finally, there is a \SAMPLES directory, which has a number of samples in different subdirectories, to get you started.
PAL currently has the following directory structure:
.\DOCS = Text files & documents. .\LIBS = Directory for the library files (must run the PM utility to create them 1st). .\UTIL \PM = The PAL MAKE utility. \PDE = The PAL Dialog Editor \PFE = The PAL Font Editor \HFN = Fonts directory. \HV = HTML viewer \VFN2HFN = Vertical->Horizontal font conversion utility. \PCX2IMG = PCX->IMG file conversion utility. \MKBIN = Binary file -> source (array) converter. \TSR = CGAGRAPH TSR utility, for desktop development. \NG = Support files to build the PAL Norton Guide \NG2HTML = A tool to build the HTML version of the docs \PATCH = A patch utility which corrects a bug found in some versions of Borland's TC libraries. .\SRC \INC = The PAL #include files. \LOGRAPH = Low-level graphics functions. \HIGRAPH = High-level graphics functions. \MISC = Miscellaneous functions. \WIN = Window functions. \MNU = Menu functions. \DIALOG = Dialog functions. \SM_SVC = System Manager specific functions. \CFG = Configuration routines. \FONT = Unified font support routines. \HFN = External font support functions. \AMGR = APPMGR.DAT file management. \EMS = Expanded Memory Management routines. \FILER = Filer communications. \PCK = Picklist functions. \MEM = Memory handling functions. \SC = Software Carousel API. .\SAMPLES \AMGR = APPMGR.DAT management sample. \EMS = Expanded memory sample. \CBCP = Clipboard samples. \MENU = Menu samples. \PCX = PCX functions samples. \SOUND = Sound effects samples. \FONT = Unified font functions samples. \DIALOG = A dialog (data-entry) screen sample. \ICNVU = A PAL application sample, an icon viewer. \FILER = FILER communication sample. \TASK = Task control block retrieval sample \SCUTILS = Software Carousel utility/sample
Click here to jump to the PAL quickreference.
The PAL library consists of several groups of functions, found in the \SRC directory. Each group has its own subdirectory, with the source code for each function in that group. There are currently 16 function groups. Here's a brief description of each group and its functions:
Jump to the LOGRAPH quickreference.
The low-level graphics routines are interface functions to the INT5h graphics calls. With these functions you can set graphics mode, pen color, pen position, select and display text using the built-in fonts, scroll, save and restore a rectangular area of the graphics screen, or define shape and blinkrate of the graphics cursor.
Available functions: - GraphMode : Switch to 640x200 monochrome graphics mode. - TextMode : Switch to text mode. - SelectFont : Select one of the 3 built-in fonts. - SetColor : Select the pen color, black or white. - SetRule : Set the graphics replacement rule. - SetPos : Set the graphics pen coordinates. - SetMask : Set fill mask. - SetLineType : Set the graphics line type. - SetClip : Define a rectangular clip region. - Scroll : Scroll a rectangular area of the screen. - PlotDot : Set a pixel to current color. - WriteText : Write text on the graphics screen. - GetImg : Get and store a rectangular bitmap from screen. - PutImg : Output a bitmap at a given coordinate position, with a given output rule. - DefineCursor: Define the shape of the graphics cursor. - BlinkRate : Specify the graphics cursor blinking rate. - Cursor : Cursor control function: ( CURSOR_ON, CURSOR_OFF, CURSOR_BLINK, CURSOR_NOBLINK, CURSOR_INIT ). - MoveCursor : Move graphics cursor to the specified X:Y location of the screen. - SaveState : save the current PAL graphics state into a structure - RestoreState: restore the graphics state from the above structure
Jump to the HIGRAPH quickreference.
The High-level graphics routines is a set of functions for creating lines, rectangles, and handling of PCX and ICN images. Some of these functions are calling low-level graphics functions, and are used by higher-level routines in PAL such as windows and menus.
Available functions: - Line : Draw a line on the screen. - Rectangle : Draw a rectangle on the screen. - RevBlock : Reverse colors of an image block. - ClrBlock : Fill an image block with WHITE or BLACK - LoadImg : Load an image file (.ICN format) in memory. - LoadPcx : Load an image file (.PCX format) in memory. - SaveImg : Save an image (.ICN format) to a file. - ShowKeys : Show function key definitions. - ShowTopLine : Display title/time strings on the top line. - ShowTopTime : Display title & time on the top display line. - FormatDate : Format a date string, in SysMgr format. - FormatTime : Format a time string, in SysMgr format.
Jump to the MISC quickreference.
This set of functions is for special operations, such as control of the volume, serial port, light-sleep and timeout of the palmtop, reading scan and ASCII codes from a pressed key, and much more.
Available functions: - AnnuncPos : Set the annunciators position (Shift,CAPS,Fn indicators). - Check5f : Check for presence of INT 5Fh services. - CheckSysMgr : Check for presence of INT 7Eh (SysMgr) services. - FatalExit : Fatal error exit from PAL and return error code to DOS. - PalInit : Initialize PAL library (the first thing to do). - PalDeInit : Shut down PAL library (just before exiting program). - WhichHp : Returns the model number of the palmtop we're running upon. - GetKey : Get a key (with ASCII and Scan code). - KeyWaiting : Check if a key is waiting - PushKeys : Push a sequence of Keys which GetKey will deliver. - Volume : Set the volume level of the palmtop. - GetVolume : Get the current volume level. - SetSerialPort : Turn on/off the serial port COM1 of the palmtop. - SetLightSleep : Enable/disable light-sleep (Power-management). - SetTimeOut : Set the timeout delay of the Auto-Power-Off feature. - MsgBox : Display a message box with title, text and buttons - MsgWin : Display a message window without waiting - AskYesNo : Ask user Yes or No - MsDelay : Wait a specific number of milliseconds - BattType : Set/get battery type. - BattVoltage : Read main/backup battery voltage. - BattStatus : Check main/backup/card battery status (OK/LOW) - ChargeMode : Enable/Disable battery charging. - BattFast : Detect if battery is fast charging. - BattGetTimer : Read battery charging timer. - BattSetTimer : Set battery charging timer. - DCStatus : Detects if an external DC adaptor is used. - OpenMeter : Opens (displays) a progress/level meter. - UpdateMeter : Updates the percentage (level) of an active meter. - CloseMeter : Closes an active meter. - Protect : Enable hardware RAM protection. - Unprotect : Disable hardware RAM protection. - AsmSTI : Enable interrupts. - AsmCLI : Disable interrupts. - SetErrorHandler : specify alternate error handler - LastMemoFile : return last file edited in MEMO - SerialCtl : Toggle SysMgr serial port interference - Protect : Enable hardware RAM protection. (Internal use). - Unprotect : Disable hardware RAM protection. (Internal use). - AsmSTI : Enable interrupts. (Internal use). - AsmCLI : Disable interrupts. (Internal use).
Jump to the WIN quickreference.
Use the window functions to create or remove a graphical window that you can display information in. You can open as many windows the memory allows you to do. PAL windows come in different styles, for both 100 and 200LX.
Available functions: - OpenWin : Open a window with a given style - CloseWin : Closes a window - WinText : Output text in a window
Jump to the MNU quickreference.
PAL menu functions support horizontal & vertical pull-down menus, hotkeys, line separators and even scrollable menus.
Available functions: - HandleMenu: Handles the complete menu process. - MenuSelect: Show a menu and let user select from it - simplified selection menu interface
Jump to the DIALOG quickreference.
A dialog box is a special kind of window that handles user interaction in PAL. Inside of it, interface elements called 'controls' or 'dialog items' contain and handle the actual information. PAL currently has edit fields, check boxes, radio and control buttons, combo boxes, bitmap boxes, group frames, static labels, lines, and the possibility to add your own custom-made items and handlers. You can use the included PDE utility, PAL's Dialog Editor to create all of your program's dialogs. PDE can create the required structures in C-format, ready to be compiled and linked to your program.
Available functions: - InitDialog: prepares a dialog to be used. - SetDlgItem: used to set the value of a dialog item. - ShowDialog: will show the dialog window and all its items. - HandleDialog: will take care of user interaction. - GetDlgItem: retrieve data from a dialog item - GetFocus: get the index of the active item - CloseDialog: close the dialog window, free all resources
Jump to the SM_SVC quickreference.
This is a sub-set of the HP System Manager functions that can be successfully called from non-SysMgr compliant DOS programs. These functions can only be used when the System Manager is running. There is a function available to check for System Manager's presence. Functions for Sound & Clipboard Management as well as task information services are currently available.
Available functions: - m_play : Play a sound string in HP alarm sound format. - m_sound : Generate one of several sound patterns. - m_soundoff : Turns off sounds generated by m_asound. - m_open_cb : Claim access to the clipboard and lock it. - m_cb_read : Read data from clipboard. - m_cb_write : Write data to clipboard. - m_fini_rep : Terminate writing to clipboard. - m_close_cb : Release the clipboard to other applications. - m_new_rep : Prepare sending a new 'representation'. - m_rep_index : Get info about a representation. - m_reset_cb : Clear clipboard, get ownership. - m_get_cb_info : Get clipboard state info. - m_get_TCB : Get Task Control Block. - m_get_TCB_size: Get Task Control Block size. - IsAppActive : Check if a specified application is active.
Jump to the CFG quickreference.
This set of functions allows easy retrieval and storage of information from user-editable plain-text config files, much like the Windows WIN.INI files.
Available functions: - ReadConfig : Read config file given full name. - ReadMyconfig : Read config, given program name. - NewConfig : Create a new config file in memory - GetConfigString : Retrieve a string from config data. - GetConfigInt : Retrieve an integer from config data. - GetFirstEntry : Used to scan sections: init scan. - GetNextEntry : Used to scan sections: continue scan. - GetFirstSection : Scan file for sections: init scan - GetNextSection : Scan file for sections: continue scan - GetCfgLine : Retrieve line number info during scan. - AddConfigString : Add (string) entries to a config file - AddConfigInt : Add (int) entries to a config file - ReplaceConfigString : Replace a keys value in a config file - ReplaceConfigInt : Replace a keys value in a config file - DeleteConfigString : Delete a config entry - WriteConfig : Write a config file back to disk - DiscardConfig : Frees memory used by CFG database
Jump to the FONT quickreference.
The unified font routines permit transparent usage of both the built-in fonts and the loadable fonts that the HFN module supports. A font is always identified by an integer with the unified font routines - regardless whether it is a built-in or a loadable font. There are few loadable fonts that are provided with PAL.
Available functions: - TextOut : Output a string at a given screen position in a font you specify. - TextExt : Compute the length (in pixels) of a string in a given font, without actually drawing the characters. - FontHeight : Returns the height of a given font in pixels. - LoadFont : Loads an external font in memory. - DiscardFont: Discards a font loaded by LoadFont, and recovers the memory associated with it.
Jump to the HFN quickreference.
These are functions that enable you to use other than the built-in fonts. You can load multiple fonts in memory and use them all at the same time. There is a set of Unified font support functions also available in PAL which allows the user to control both internal and external fonts with the same set of functions.
Available functions: - LoadHfn : Load a font in memory. - InitHfn : Initialize a given font. - WriteHfn : Writes a string using one of the loaded fonts. - TextExtHfn : Compute text extent of a string in a given font. - FontHeightHfn: Returns height of a given font. - DiscardHfn : Discard a loaded font.
Jump to the EMS quickreference.
This set of routines provides EMS support. That is, they provide C-level access to the services of an EMS driver. To use them, an EMS driver needs to be installed - this can be your plain vanilla EMM386 on the desktop, or the special EMM200 driver that provides EMS support using the HORNET hardware for the palmtop.
Available functions: - EmsInit : Initialize and check EMS for driver presence. - EmsCheck : Check for the presence of an EMS driver. - EmsAlloc : Allocate a specified number of EMS pages. - EmsMap : Map a given logical page into the physical frame. - EmsFree : Free an allocated EMS block. - EmsFrameSeg : Return segment address of the EMS frame. - EmsFreeCnt : Return the number of free EMS pages available. - EmsLastError: Return last error reported by an EMS routine. - EmsPageCnt : Return the total number of EMS pages available. - EmsVersion : Return version of EMS driver.
Jump to the AMGR quickreference.
The routines in this module permit modification of the Application Manager control file APPMGR.DAT, located in C:\_DAT. This file determines what icons appear in the [More] application, and their properties. You can add, remove, and alter applications. You also have access to the icons stored in the file.
Available Functions: - CloseAppMgr : Close the Application Manager aka [More]. This will ensure that your modifications won't be overwritten by AppMgr when it exits. - LoadAppDat : Load the APPMGR.DAT file into memory. - SaveAppDat : Write the APPMGR.DAT file back to the C: drive. - GetAppCnt : Return a count of installed applications - GetAppDef : Get an application definition by its number - SetAppDef : Modify an application definition - AddAppDef : Add an application definition - DelAppDef : Delete an application definition - ValidIcon : Check if a pointer is a valid icon bitmap - GetAppIcn : retrieve an icon - SetAppIcn : set an icon - NewAppIcn : find an unused icon slot
Jump to the FILER quickreference.
This set of functions can be used to exchange files between a desktop and the palmtop, by using the palmtop's Filer application. The user has to launch the Filer on the palmtop, and these functions will put the palmtop in Server mode and enable file transfers to and from the desktop.
Available functions: - FilerConnect : Establish connection with filer. - FilerSendFile : Send a file to the palmtop. - FilerGetFile : Get a file from the palmtop. - FilerDelFile : Delete a file on the palmtop. - FilerMakeDir : Create a directory on the palmtop. - FilerDelDir : Delete a directory from the palmtop. - FilerAskDir : Request directory info from the palmtop. - FilerGetDir : Get directory entries from the palmtop. - FilerSync : Attempt re-synchronization with filer. - FilerDisconnect: Shut down Filer communications.
Jump to the PCK quickreference.
This set of functions present a menu where the user can select multiple Items.
Available functions: - FilePickList : Display a picklist of files. - PickList : Display a picklist of strings. - QuickPickList : An easier way to display a picklist. - FreePickResults : Free storage associated with picklist results. - PickCount : Determine the number of items in a picklist - FindLastPick : Find end of linked PICKRESULTS
Jump to the MEM quickreference.
The alternate memory management routines are used in PAL to provide a way to handle out-of memory conditions. When a request for memory is made inside PAL and an out of memory results, an error handling routine is called. This routine, by default, does a FatalExit. You can instruct PAL to call a routine of your own in case an out-of-mem condition happens though. And you can of course also use these routines in your own programs, in a variety of ways.
Available functions: - PalMalloc : Malloc replacement with out-of-mem handling - PalRealloc : Realloc replacement with out-of-mem handling - PalCalloc : Calloc replacement with out-of-mem handling - PalFree : Free replacement - PalStrdup : Strdup replacement with out-of-mem handling - SetPalMemFail : Define your own out-of memory handler
Jump to the SC quickreference.
This set of functions allows the manipulation of the Software Carousel product.
Available functions: - SCPresent : Is Software Carousel Present? - SCVersion : Get Software Carousel Version - SCMenu : Display the Software Carousel menu - SCSwitch : Switch to another Work Area - SCQuit : Terminate SC - SCBoot : Reboot the computer. - SCKill : Kill a program in a session. - SCSizeStatus : Get Size and Status of a Work Area - SCErrorMessage : Convert Errorcode to Text - SCGetName : Get a Work Areas Name - SCSetSize : Set a Work Areas Size - SCSetName : Set a Work Areas Name - SCSendCommand : Send Keystrokes to a Work Area - SCCodeMode : Where is Software Carousel Running. - SCKeyboardCommands : Enable/Disable Work Area Switching.
Contact the author, Gilles Kohl
- HFN: PAL's (Palmtop Application Library) horizontal fonts. - VFN: Gilles Kohl's VR (Vertical reader) vertical fonts. - FCL: FCL definition file, ready to be compiled by Gilles Kohl's FCL font compiler/loader.
Contact the author, Harry Konstas
Contact the author, Harry Konstas
Contact the author, Andreas Garzotto
PCX2IMG can convert a black & white PCX file into the native HP100/200LX 'IMG' format.
MKBIN is a small utility that simply converts a binary file into a 'C' source that can be compiled and linked into your main program.
VFN2HFN converts any vertical 8/16 bit font (.VFN) to a horizontal font (.HFN).
NG2HTML is a conversion tool that will create a .HTM file from the PAL .DOC files. The resulting file can then be viewed with the HV utility on the palmtop. Moreover it can be viewed with a WWW browser of your choice - whether it be Spry Mosaic, NetScape, Cello ...
Contact the author, Andreas Garzotto
CGAGRAPH.COM is a TSR which provides INT5fh support to the desktops. Programs can be developed on a desktop computer and executed by first running this utility.
PATCH is a small patch program correcting a bug that was found in some versions of the Borland TC libraries.