What's new in V1.6 ?

A couple of additions and a number of bug fixes:


  - new SerialCtl function : switch off SysMgr serial port interference
  - new MsgWin function: display a message window without waiting
  - Flag to left-align static text items
  - return index of Listbox when user hits RETURN
  - first-letter quicksearch in Listboxes
  - added code to suppress trailing blanks in MsgBox input field
  - new flag for dialogs: idle return when no key pressed

  Bug fixes:

  - fixed a bug in WhichHP function - added 200LX detection
  - added LbGetString prototype to paldlg.h
  - fixed && IF_FRT bug in DhStandard
  - changed type of Key to WORD in IhEdit
  - changed error handler type to 'interrupt far'
  - fixed a bug in DiscardConfig due to 'free()' modification
  - fixed a bug in ReplaceConfigString (memory loss)
  - portability fixes for QC and PC

What's new in V1.5 ?

A lot. There are entirely new modules, and important
additions to existing ones.

New modules:

 Application manager support module

  - CloseAppMgr : Close the Application Manager aka [More].
  - LoadAppDat  : Load the APPMGR.DAT file into memory.
  - SaveAppDat  : Write the APPMGR.DAT file back to the C: drive.
  - GetAppCnt   : Return a count of installed applications
  - GetAppDef   : Get an application definition by its number
  - SetAppDef   : Modify an application definition
  - AddAppDef   : Add an application definition
  - DelAppDef   : Delete an application definition

  - ValidIcon   : Check if a pointer is a valid icon bitmap
  - GetAppIcn   : retrieve an icon
  - SetAppIcn   : set an icon
  - NewAppIcn   : find an unused icon slot

 EMS support module

  - EmsInit     : Initialize and check EMS for driver presence.
  - EmsCheck    : Check for the presence of an EMS driver.
  - EmsAlloc    : Allocate a specified number of EMS pages.
  - EmsMap      : Map a given logical page into the physical frame.
  - EmsFree     : Free an allocated EMS block.
  - EmsFrameSeg : Return segment address of the EMS frame.
  - EmsFreeCnt  : Return the number of free EMS pages available.
  - EmsLastError: Return last error reported by an EMS routine.
  - EmsPageCnt  : Return the total number of EMS pages available.
  - EmsVersion  : Return version of EMS driver.

 FILER communication module

  - FilerConnect    : Establish connection with filer.
  - FilerDisconnect : Shut down Filer communications.
  - FilerSendFile   : Send a file to the palmtop.
  - FilerGetFile    : Get a file from the palmtop.
  - FilerDelFile    : Delete a file on the palmtop.
  - FilerMakeDir    : Create a directory on the palmtop.
  - FilerDelDir     : Delete a directory from the palmtop.
  - FilerAskDir     : Request directory info from the palmtop.
  - FilerGetDir     : Get directory entries from the palmtop.
  - FilerSync       : Attempt re-synchronization with filer.

 Memory management module

  - PalMalloc       : Malloc replacement with out-of-mem handling
  - PalRealloc      : Realloc replacement with out-of-mem handling
  - PalCalloc       : Calloc replacement with out-of-mem handling
  - PalFree         : Free replacement
  - PalStrdup       : Strdup replacement with out-of-mem handling
  - SetPalMemFail   : Define your own out-of memory handler

 Picklist module

  - FilePickList    : Display a picklist of files.
  - PickList        : Display a picklist of strings.
  - QuickPickList   : An easier way to display a picklist.
  - FreePickResults : Free storage associated with picklist results.
  - PickCount       : Determine the number of items in a picklist
  - FindLastPick    : Find end of linked PICKRESULTS NAME

 Software Carousel API module

  - SCPresent          : Is Software Carousel Present?
  - SCVersion          : Get Software Carousel Version
  - SCMenu             : Display the Software Carousel menu
  - SCSwitch           : Switch to another Work Area
  - SCQuit             : Terminate SC
  - SCBoot             : Reboot the computer.
  - SCKill             : Kill a program in a session.
  - SCSizeStatus       : Get Size and Status of a Work Area
  - SCSetSize          : Set a Work Areas Size
  - SCErrorMessage     : Convert Errorcode to Text
  - SCGetName          : Get a Work Areas Name
  - SCSetName          : Set a Work Areas Name
  - SCSendCommand      : Send Keystrokes to a Work Area
  - SCCodeMode         : Where is Software Carousel Running.
  - SCKeyboardCommands : Enable/Disable Work Area Switching.

Additions, Modifications, Improvements:

 Additional CFG file functions

  - GetFirstSection     : Scan file for sections: init scan
  - GetNextSection      : Scan file for sections: continue scan
  - AddConfigString     : Add entries to a config file
  - ReplaceConfigString : Replace a  keys value in a config file
  - DeleteConfigString  : Delete a config entry
  - WriteConfig         : Write a config file back to disk

 Dialog improvements

  - new Listbox dialog item, associated functions
    - LbAddString    : Add a string to a listbox
    - LbSetString    : Set a string in a listbox
    - LbDelString    : Delete a string from a listbox
    - LbGetCount     : Return number of strings in listbox
    - LbGetPos       : Return index of currently selected string
    - LbSetPos       : Set currently selected string
    - LbClear        : Delete all strings from a listbox at once
    - LbSetCallBack  : Set listbox callback function
    - LbSetCount     : Set number of strings - callback mode only
  - Ctrl-S will be replaced by '&' in label strings
  - Combo box now allows empty list
  - 'Default' buttons will be shown in bold
  - cursor keys can be used to move between items
  - radio button selection can be changed with cursor
  - central insert mode flag common to all edit items
  - ESC in edit item will restore previous contents
  - system manager clipboard cut and paste supported in edit items
  - letter moves focus in addition to ALT-Letter, where possible
  - edit item contents now gets inverted when it gets focus
  - DEL and Backspace delete selected edit item contents
  - typing in selected edit item replaces old contents
  - checkboxes and buttons can now be triggered with ALT-Letter
  - GetFocus     : Find out which item is currently active
  - AskYesNo now supports function keys and letters [Y] and [N]
  - Digits may now be used as '&' hotkeys in labels, on buttons etc.

 System manager access

  - m_get_TCB     : Get Task Control Block.
  - m_get_TCB_size: Get Task Control Block size.
  - IsAppActive   : Check if a specified application is active.


   - SetErrorHandler : specify alternate error handler
   - LastMemoFile    : return last file edited in MEMO
   - BattFast        : Detect if battery is fast charging.
   - BattGetTimer    : Read battery charging timer.
   - BattSetTimer    : Set battery charging timer.
   - page down/up now supported in menues
   - GetImg now allocates space automatically if passed NULL
   - IMGSIZE macro to compute image size
   - ELMS macro to compute number of elements in array
   - MsgBox now supports sophisticated function key bar
   - Application key constant definitions in PALKEYS.H


   - EMM200 EMS emulator included